Course curriculum

  • 1

    1. Introduction and Welcome

    • Introduction and Welcome

    • Pre-Course Questionnaire

  • 2

    2. What Are We Supposed to Learn in GCSE English Language?

    • Goals, Objectives and Outcomes: What Are We Supposed to Learn in GCSE English Language?

  • 3

    3. MASTERY: Why Do We Focus on Mastery?

    • Mindset: Discussion on Mastery

    • Mastery Vocabulary PART 1

    • Mastery Vocabulary PART 2

    • Mindset: Is it Possible for Me to Achieve Mastery?

    • Discussion on 'Becoming an Expert Learner'

    • Mindset: What is an Expert Learner?

    • Becoming an Expert Learner Quiz

  • 4

    4. ADVANCED STUDY METHOD: Setting Up Your GCSE English Mastery Study System

    • 1. Introduction to Your GCSE English Mastery Study System

    • 2. Setting Up Your GCSE English Study System

    • 3. GCSE English Master Study System Checklist Sheet

    • 4. GCSE English Mastery Study System Active Recall Sheet

    • 5. GCSE English Mastery Study System Lesson Summary

    • 6. GCSE English Mastery Study System Download

    • 7. Self-Reflection Essay

  • 5

    5. INITIAL ASSESSMENT: Initial GCSE English Language Skills Diagnostic Assessment

    • Learning Assessment Techniques: Introduction to Our GCSE English Language Initial Skills Diagnostic Assessment

    • AQA GCSE English Language Paper 1 Diagnostic and Benchmark Assessment Paper

    • EDEXCEL GCSE English Language Paper 1 Diagnostic and Benchmark Assessment Paper

    • How to Download and Install the GCSE English Skill Diagnostic Assessment Spreadsheet

    • GCSE English Diagnostic Assessment Spreadsheet Walkthrough Part 2

    • GCSE English Diagnostic Assessment Spreadsheet Walkthrough Part 3

    • GCSE English Diagnostic Assessment Spreadsheet Walkthrough Part 4

    • GCSE English Diagnostic Assessment Spreadsheet Walkthrough Part 5

    • GCSE English Diagnostic Assessment Spreadsheet Walkthrough Part 6

    • GCSE English Language Paper 1 Post-Diagnostic Self-Assessment

  • 6

    6. ANALYTICAL WRITING: How to Score 100% PART 1

    • 1. Unit Introduction-

    • 2. DISCUSSION: Expert Learner Techniques

    • 3. EXPERT LEARNER TECHNIQUE #1: Active Recall

    • 4. EXPERT LEARNER TECHNIQUE #2: Spaced Repetition

    • 5. EXPERT LEARNER GOAL #3: Automaticity

    • 6. QUIZ - Expert Learner Study Techniques

    • 7. DISCUSSION: What Are The Keys of Successful Analytical Writing-

    • 8. DISCUSSION: Fiction and Non-fiction

    • 9. SUCCESSFUL ANALYTICAL WRITING: Laying the Foundations

    • 10. DISCUSSION: The Qualities of Successful Analytical Writing

    • 11. WRITING TECHNIQUES: A PEE-Style Response

    • 12. DISCUSSION: Your Opinion of the PEE-Style Response

    • 13. WRITING TECHNIQUES: A 100% Analysis Response

    • 14. DISCUSSION: Your Opinion of the 100% Response

    • 15. MINDSET: The 100% Mindset

    • 16. QUIZ: The 100% Mindset

    • 17. DISUSSION: How Sentence Forms Affect the Quality of Your Writing

    • 18. LANGUAGE: Why You Need to Get to Know Your Linguistic Tools

    • 20. RECALL DISCUSSION: The Importance of Learning the Functions of Language

    • 21. WRITING TECHNIQUES: Why The PEE Response Falls Flat

    • 22. LANGUAGE: Improving Your Understanding of the Functions of the 8 Parts of Speech

    • 23. LANGUAGE: Introducing the English Parts of Speech

    • 24. QUIZ: The 8 Parts of Speech

  • 7


    • GCSE English Language Paper 2

  • 8

    7. ANALYTICAL WRITING: How to Score 100% PART 2

    • 1. Introducing the Functions of the 8 Parts of Speech

    • 2. Pronouns

    • 3. Adjectives

    • 4. DISCUSSION: Are Adjectives the Best Tool for Description?

    • 5. Prepositions

    • 6. QUIZ: The Meaning of Prepositions

    • 7. Nouns

    • 8. DISCUSSION: The Difference Between Concrete Nouns and Abstract Nouns

    • 22. Adverb

    • 23. Verb

    • 24. Interjections

    • 25. Conjunctions

    • 25. Conjunctions

    • 26. How to Choose The Right Words INTRO

    • 26. How to Think About Analytical Writing

    • 27. How to Think About Creative Writing

    • 21. Nouns

    • 20. Prepositions

  • 9

    8. DEFINITIONS: The Foundation of Knowledge

    • 1. Discussion on the Value of Definitions

    • 2. Concept: Why Are Definitions Important?

    • 3. Recalling the Value of Definitions

    • 4. Concept: How do We Define Literature?

    • 5. Quiz on the Value of Definitions

    • 7. Discussion on the Definition of Literature

    • 8. Download Our List of Literary Topics (Thematic Concepts)

    • 9. Language Paper 1 Practice Analysis

    • 10. Discussion on the Definition of Story

    • 11. Concept: How Do We Define Story?

    • 12. Language & Concept: How Do We Define Metaphor?

    • 13. Remember this Mnemonic: MAD FATHERS CROPS For Language and Structure Devices

    • 14. Seeing the World Through the Eyes of the Author: Language Paper 1 Practice Analysis

    • Wrap-Up

  • 10

    9. CONTEXT: The Importance of Wider Knowledge

    • 1. Should We or Should We Not Discuss Context in GCSE English Language?

    • 2. Context: The Importance of Wider Knowledge

    • 3. Research and Discussion on Context

    • 4. Reading for Conflicts in Non-Fiction Texts

    • 5. Reading for Conflicts in Non-Fiction Texts

    • 6. GCSE English Language Paper 2 Section B Practice

    • 7. GCSE English Language Paper 2 Section B Self-Assessment Sheet

    • 8. Quiz About Wider Knowledge in GCSE English Language

    • 9. Post-Diagnostic Self-Assessment

    • Wrap-Up

  • 11

    10. GENERATING IDEAS: Where Do Authors Get Their Story Ideas? Building Your Story Part 1

    • 1. Discussing Where Authors Get Their Ideas

    • 2. Concept: Where Do Authors Get Their Ideas From?

    • 3. Concept: Questions for Your Own Story Ideas

    • Wrap-Up

  • 12

    11. STRUCTURE: The Basic Elements of Stories

    • 1. Discussing the Most Important Elements of a Story

    • 2. The Basic Elements of Story

    • 3. Recall the Purpose of Conflict in Story

    • 4. Quick Analysis of The Basic Structural Elements of Story

    • 5. What is the Role of Empathy in Stories

    • 6. Empathy in Your Own Words

    • 7. What is Empathy?

    • 8. Building Your Story- Your Logline

    • 9. Recapping What a Logline Consists of

    • 10. Building Your Story: Your Logline

    • 11. The Objective and Subjective Aspects of Stories

    • Wrap-Up

  • 13

    12. LOGLINE: Creating Your Story's Logline: Building Your Story Part 2

    • 1. Examples of Loglines

    • 2. PROJECT WORK: Creating Your Logline for Your Story

    • Wrap-Up

  • 14

    13. STORY: The Classic Meaning and Purpose of Stories

    • 1. Introduction to Campbell's Monomyth

    • 2. CONCEPT: The Hero's Outer Journey

    • 3. CONCEPT: Introduction to the Hero's Inner Journey

    • 4. CONCEPT: The Hero's Inner Journey

    • 5. DISCUSSION: Short Analysis of Paper 1

    • 6. DISCUSSION: A 100% Model Answer

    • 7. PRINCIPLE: What Makes the Hero's Journey Universal?

    • 8. DISCUSSION: Sympathy, Empathy and the Hero's Journey

    • 9. CONCEPT: Introduction to the Symbolic Meaning of Stories

    • 10. CONCEPT: Stories Explore the Human Condition-

    • 11. DISCUSSION: The Human Condition in Non-Fiction: Analysing Articles.

    • 12. DISCUSSION: The Human Condition in Fiction

    • 13. CONCEPT: How Do Authors Make Stories Universal?

    • 14. DISCUSSION: Looking for Universal Clues in Stories

    • 15. QUIZ: The Hero's Journey and the Classic Purpose of Stories

    • Wrap-Up

  • 15

    14. STRUCTURE & PLOT: Introduction to Plot Archetypes: Building Your Story Part 3

    • 1. INTRODUCTION: Christopher Booker's 7 Plot Archetypes

    • 2. STRUCTURE: Booker's 7 Plots- Overcoming the Monster

    • 3. STRUCTURE: Booker's 7 Plots- Overcoming the Monster Stages Overview

    • 4. STRUCTURE: Booker's 7 Plots- Rags to Riches

    • 5. STRUCTURE: Booker's 7 Plots- The Quest

    • 6. STRUCTURE: Booker's 7 Plots- The Voyage and Return-

    • 7. STRUCTURE: Booker's 7 Plots- Tragedy

    • 8. STRUCTURE: Booker's 7 Plots: Rebirth

    • 9. ANALYSIS: A Christmas Carol

    • 10. ANALYSIS: Your GCSE Literature Texts

    • 11. PROJECT WORK: Choosing Your Plot Structure

    • Wrap-Up

  • 16

    15. THEMES: Boosting Grades with Themes & Building Your Story: Part 4

    • 1. Unit Introduction

    • 2. DISCUSSION: What Do You Understand About Themes?

    • 3. CONCEPT: Difficulties in Defining Theme

    • 4. CONCEPT: Introducing Thematic Concepts

    • 5. CONCEPT: Introducing Thematic Statements

    • 6. SUMMARY PRACTICE: Compare Thematic Concepts and Thematic Statements

    • 7. CONCEPT: Themes as Imperatives

    • 8. CONCEPT: Themes as Open-Ended Questions

    • 9. CONCEPT: Themes as Conditional Statements

    • 10. CONCEPT: So What is Theme?

    • 11. CONCEPT CHECKING: Retrieval Practice About Themes

    • 12. ANALYSIS: Thematic Concepts and Statement Exercise

    • 13. Why is Theme so Important?

    • 14. How Themes Can Help You Score Full Marks

    • 15. Why is Theme So Important in Stories? Discussion

    • 16. How do You Identify Themes - Intro

    • 17. Thematic Concepts and Thematic Statements: QUIZ

    • 18. Theme Assignment- Building Your Story Part 4

    • 19. How to Upload Your Building Your Story Part 4 to Google Docs

    • Wrap-Up

  • 17

    16. THEMES II: Common Methods Authors Use to Incorporate Themes Into Their Writing

    • 1. Patterns and Themes

    • 2. Short Intro to Beginnings

    • 3. EXAM TACTIC & DOWNLOAD - Note Down 3 to 5 Thematic Concepts

    • 4. Thematic concepts in Fahrenheit 451

    • 5. Dialogue and Thematic Statements

    • 6. Thematic Statement in Lord of the Rings Dialogue

    • 7. Introduction to Motifs and Symbols

    • 8. Symbols and Motifs: DISCUSSION

    • 9. Introduction to Foregrounding

    • 10. Techniques and Purpose of Foregrounding

    • 11. Foregrounding Exercise

    • 12. Foregrounding Motifs and Symbols in Lord of The Flies

    • 13. Semantic Fields

    • 14. Semantic Field Exercise

    • 15. Semantic Fields in Holes

    • 16. LANGUAGE AND STRUCTURE: Introduction to Repetition-

    • 17. LANGUAGE AND STRUCTURE: Repetition in Dune

    • 18. STRUCTURE: Endings

    • 19. SAMPLE ANALYSIS: Ending in Lord of the Flies

    • 20. CONCEPT: How to Understand Themes

    • 21. ANALYSIS: Thematic Analysis Exercise

  • 18

    17: EMOTIONS + EFFECTS: The Author's Primary Aim

    • 1. INTRODUCTION: Emotions

    • 2. VOCAB QUIZ: Emotions PART 1

    • 3. PRINCIPLE: An Author's Primary Aim

    • 4. DISCUSSION & CONCEPT CHECK - An Author's Primary Aim

    • 5. PRINCIPLE: Emotion is Everything

    • 6. CONCEPT CHECK QUIZ - Emotion is Everything

    • 7. DISCUSSION - The True Purpose of the Author's Methods

    • 8. PRINCIPLE: The Right Way to Think About Emotions

    • 9. CONCEPT CHECK QUIZ - The Right Way to Think About Emotions

    • 10. PRINCIPLE: The importance of the Emotional Journey

    • 11. DISCUSSION & SELF-ANALYSIS: Thinking Like a Professional Writer

    • 12. PRINCIPLE: How Understanding Emotions Helps in GCSE

    • 13. CONCEPT CHECK QUIZ - Emotions and GCSE English

    • 14. QUIZ - Vocabulary

    • 15. CONCEPT: What Are Emotions?

    • 16. DISCUSSION - What Are Emotions?

    • 17. ANALYSIS & WRITING TOOLS: List of Emotions

    • 18. EXAM TECHNIQUE: Predictive Exercise: The Lake

    • 19. DISCUSSION & ANALYSIS: Reading Exercise- The Lake

    • 20. CONCEPT: Visceral Emotions and Themes


  • 19

    18. EMOTIONS + EFFECTS: Character vs Audience Emotions & Building Your Story: Part 5

    • 1. ACTIVE RECALL: Start With Brain Dumps

    • 2. DISCUSSION & APPLICATION: What Else do You Know About Emotions?

    • 3. PRINCIPLE: Character vs Reader Emotions

    • 4. PRINCIPLE: Elicit Emotions from Situations, Not Characters

    • 5. DISCUSSION: Dramatic Situations

    • 6. STRUCTURE: Classic Dramatic Situations: BUILDING YOUR STORY PART 5

  • 20


    • 7. CONTEXT: What Are The Functions of Emotions- Intro

    • 8. DISCUSSION: What are The Functions of Emotions?

    • 8. Why We Need to Understand Emotions

    • 17. Emotions Influence Decisions

    • 18. Emotions Help us Act Without Conscious Awareness

    • 19. Emotions Prepare the Body for Immediate Action

  • 21


    • 1. Why Do Authors Write - Aristotle

    • 2. Why Authors Write - Cicero

    • 3. Authors Use Stories to Teach us About Real Life

    • 4. How do Authors Teach us About Real Life-

    • 5. Predictive Exercise - And of Clay We Are Created

    • 6. Reading Exercise Introduction

    • 7. And of Clay We Are Created - Reading

    • 8. And of Clay We Are Created - ANALYSIS QUESTIONS

    • 9. More General Reasons Why Authors Write

    • 10. Category of Author's Purposes INTRODUCTION

    • 11. A Catalogue of Author's Purposes

    • 12. Finding the Author's Purpose PART 1

    • 13. Finding the Author's Purpose PART 2

    • 14. Finding the Author's Purpose PART 3

  • 22

    14. Analysis, Fiction and Non-Fiction Writing.

    • What Makes Good Writing?

    • Aristotle's 'Ethos, Pathos and Logos' - Reading

    • Aristotle's 'Ethos, Pathos and Logos' in Your Own Words

    • Remember this Mnemonic: MAD FATHERS CROPS For Linguistic and Structural Devices

    • Download this Document for More Help With Structural Features of Writing

    • Discussing Ethos Logos and Pathos in a Speech.

    • Discussing Ethos, Pathos and Logos in a Student's Speech

    • Writing Your Own Speech

  • 23

    14. Developing a Conceptual Response With Structure

    • What is a Conceptualised Response?

    • Concept Maps: What Are They?

    • Why did the Government Make the GCSEs so Much Harder?

    • Why Use Concept Maps?

    • Quiz - Concepts

    • Concept Map of Structure

    • Creating Your Own Concept Map of Structure Part 1

    • Creating Your Own Concept Map of Structure Part 2

    • Creating Your Own Concept Map of Structure Part 3

    • Practice Outlining a Structure Concept Map

    • Use Your Concept Map to Write an Analysis

    • Make More Concept Maps of Structure

    • Creating Your Own Concept Map of Structure Part 4

    • Structure Concept Map Download

    • Installing Your GCSE English Structure Recall Sheet Part 1

    • Download Your GCSE English Structure Recall Sheet

    • Installing Your GCSE English Structure Recall Sheet Part 2

    • Installing Your GCSE English Structure Recall Sheet Part 3

    • Download and Install Your GCSE English Structure Recall Sheet

    • Putting Your Brain on Autopilot - VOCABULARY QUIZ

  • 24

    New Chapter

    • 23. Authors' Main Purpose- Generating Emotions

    • 3. The Virtue of Humanity-

    • 2. The Virtue of Courage

    • 4. The Virtue of Justice

    • 5. The Virtue of Wisdom-

    • 7. The Virtue of Temperance

    • 9. What Does Archetype Mean-

    • 6. The Virtue of Transcendence

    • 10. What Are Jung's 12 Character Archetypes-

    • 11. Are Archetypes Serious Science-

    • 8. introduction to Jung's Archetypes

    • 1. Universal Values

  • 25

    12. Language - Focus on Linguistic Devices: Alliteration

    • What is Alliteration?

    • Effects of Alliteration #1: Highlighting and Emphasising

    • Effects of Alliteration #2: Creating Rhythm

    • Effects of Alliteration #3: Constructing the Soundscape

  • 26

    17. EMOTIONS

    • 1. Emotions Motivate Behaviour

    • 2. Blind Interprative Exercise

    • 3. Emotions Help Us Evaluate Our Circumstances

    • 4. Emotions Behaviours and Actions

    • 5. Emotions Influence Attention-

    • 6. How to Guarantee Yourself Full Marks

    • 7. How Do Authors Hold the Audience's Attention-

    • 8. Emotions Help the Author Fulfil Their Writing Purpose

    • 9. Emotions Affect our World View

    • 10. Emotions and Themes

    • 11. Why Do Authors Write-